RESURSE INOCENȚIPoveşti terapeutice - RUFI


About the project

These Rufi the Dragon stories were created out of a desire to support the medical staff of the Clinic for Pediatric Psychiatry and Drug Addiction in Cluj and are not only a playful and creative tool, but also an important instrument in dealing with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, ADHD and anger. Our team has developed these four short stories in which Rufi the Dragon talks to children as well as parents about difficulties and ways to deal constructively with “inner turmoil”. The stories are meant to be read together, children and parents, but can also be read individually by children over 8 years old.

More than 15,000 children have already been introduced to Rufi the Dragon.

Peste 15.000 de copii au făcut deja cunoștință cu Dragonul Rufi.


The storiesstructure

Each booklet includes an introduction to help parents and children get to know Rufi‘s story better. He is a dragon who was rescued by two children when he was still an egg, and has developed a great love and dedication to helping little ones. 

Then follows a playful description of the topic explored in each story, through metaphors. Thus, anxiety becomes a Hedgehog, named Worrymuch the Hedgehog, depression becomes a Black Cloud, ADHD becomes an uncontrollable race car, and anger becomes a Hurricane. Sometimes a letter from a child illustrates what it’s like to live with a particular disorder, for example, depression. Rufi reads this letter to children with the idea of helping them feel understood and less alone in what they are experiencing. The booklets then offer different simple tools that can help children and their families navigate through different challenges more easily. These include an emotion thermometer, breathing techniques, creative exercises and healthy lifestyle tips.


Alina Tomșa Bogdanffy, psychotherapist 

Ioana Meșterelu, clinical psychologist and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist

Mihaela Inta, psychologist


Ioana Larisa Nitan, volunteer, Inocenti Foundation Cluj

Mirabela Maria Valea, volunteer, Inocenti Foundation Cluj

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